By Guest Blogger, Kim Samayoa, Former LPHOH participant and 1st time Volunstar
It has often been said that the hardest part of any journey is taking the first step and today was no exception for our retreat families. Today’s activities started with a hike in South Lake Tahoe at the Eagle Falls Trailhead where families were rewarded with stunning views of beautiful Emerald Bay.
Next we visited the historic Ehrman Mansion for a guided tour and lunch provided by Obexers overlooking the beautiful grounds and the lake. We ended the day’s activities at the Tahoe Art Haus and Cinema. We started with a surprise acapella performance by two of our teenage participants then settled in to watch a movie!
There is a lot that happens behind the scenes that I am fortunate to experience as a volunstar. My favorite happens to be our morning devotion. Before heading out each day, we gather together to reaffirm our purpose for volunteering for the retreats. Serendipitously, today’s devotion was about taking one step at a time. It isn’t about how fast or slow you go, but rather the dogged determination to keep moving.
Like the sixty three streams that flow into Lake Tahoe, it is my sincerest hope that all the families and friends on this retreat can look to each other and grow from the shared experiences. We may not always know the path or the destination, but we all can appreciate the journey.